Cougars Got Talent!
Friday, April 25, 2025
Students! Do you have a special skill? Come one and all; risk-taking is encouraged! Any student can perform individually or with a group.
Comedy? Skits? Singing? Dancing? Magic? Gymnastics? A musical instrument?
Prepare your acts at home or outside of school. Acts should be no longer than 90 seconds in length. (If using an accompanying track, we need a link to a Spotify song in order for the music to play correctly in the Multipurpose room.)
- Deadline for form submission is Friday, April 11. No exceptions.
– Mandatory rehearsal after school on Tuesday, March 11th. (Rides to child care or home afterwards may be arranged if needed.)
– Show; Friday, April 25 5:30 p.m. (Call time will be earlier for performers.)
All acts must be developmentally appropriate for elementary school and content is subject to review.
We will celebrate our performers on Friday, April 25 at 5:30 pm. in the Multipurpose Room.
Questions? Please reach out to Mai at